Sbuckles30's Blog

July 30, 2009, 11:26 am
Filed under: Uncategorized

Miraji, Sunita and CharlesIt is time to leave this beautiful continent and wonderful country of Tanzania.  I am sad, but also filled with hope that I will continue to return to this enchanting place.  Tears come to my eyes as I write this parting blog.  Gertrude Stein once said something to this effect, “America is my country, but Paris is my home”.  I understand her now.  Iringa, Tanzania has made me feel so welcome, almost like I am home.  People that you just meet – become some of your closest friends.  These are friends that no matter how far away you are from them, you are connected to them through your heart and soul.  This is how I feel.  It is hard to write this because I am crying.  I came to Africa to help, but it is Africa that helped me.

The annex email           Masai man email

              Masai woman email               My masai babies email

This country showed me that you don’t need all the modern conveniences to make you happy.  You don’t even need hot or running water.  You can eat ugali and spinach with your hands at every meal and feel more content than if you ate at a 5 star restaurant.  Tanzania showed me that you can meet someone and 5 minutes later, you are at their house sharing drinks and food, telling your life story.  Tanzania showed me true friendship.  It showed me a bond between black and white, African and American.  It showed me you can laugh at one another’s differences, but understand and respect them.  Tanzania showed me that people are all the same.  For all of those people who have a distorted view of Africa, I beg of you.  Come here.  You will never want to leave.  You will want their zest for life even though it is a hard and difficult one.  You will want their never ending hospitality whether they are villagers or city folk.  You will want their smile and their perseverance. 

                         The annex email            Edina and I at Annex email

Last night was difficult.  We all got together at one of our first stomping grounds – Chris, me, Miraji, Ally and Allen.  We laughed and shared goat.  We toasted one another with tears in our eyes.  We reflected on the unforgettable memories of the past month.  Ally shared with me a secret that he had kept the whole month. – Everyone, do you remember when I first arrived and got my Ipod stolen?  Well, it was at the bus station that I found out it was gone and I was crying.  Ally told everyone that he was going to get us some drinking water.  Stan, Chris and I got on the bus and waited for Ally.  The bus was leaving and we still Ally wasn’t there.  Chris and I were panicking.  We couldn’t leave Ally.  Finally, he arrived on the bus with drinking water for us.

Ally and Chris last night email         Miraji getting his hands washed email  Chris and Miraji

Do you know where he really was?  He had gone back to the hotel and started tracking down my ipod.  His first stop – a shoe shine man that saw it happen and pointed Ally to an abandoned building where he could get more info.  Ally gave him 1000 TSH and went to the abandoned building where all the thieves convene to show the goods that they have stolen.  This is also where they hang out and do all sorts of shady behavior.  But Ally still went forward and talked to the main guy trying to find out more info.  He was shaking the guy down and all just for me, a person whom he had just met.  Unfortunately, he was not able to get it back because it would have taken 2 days and he only had 10 minutes.  But he offered his own money and risked his own life all because he saw me crying and wanted to make me happy.  He told me that he wanted to surprise me with my Ipod just to see me smile.

I was blown away!!!  Why did he do this for me – someone he just met?  Ally is just that way.  His heart is so big and caring.  Allen and Miraji are the same way.  It is a unconditional love that we all have experienced.  We all have loved and cared for one another like family, like brother and sister.  Kakas, I will miss you and love you with all my heart.  God has truly blessed these 3 men with hearts of gold. 

Fun and games II emailFun and games email              Allen on his phone email


They have taught me what true friendship is.  Tanzania and all its people – thank you for accepting me into your culture, into your homes and into your hearts.  I am truly blessed that I was given this opportunity.  May God bless you and keep you safe.

Smiling Charles email       Miraji's family email

Africa – you will be seeing me soon!  I will never be able to keep away from this wonderful land and its wonderful people.

Stan at Ruaha email                       Gangilonga again email


Allen and the beanie email              SDC10060

          SDC10072               SDC10084

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Hi Shaina, Wow! This last blog post left me teary eyed. Once again, I’m thrilled to see that you had an amazing experience. Have safe travels, and call me when you get back. Love ya lots, Christina

Comment by Christina

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